World of Dogs is a monthly zine looking for fictional stories of all genres in the form of intentionally incomplete 800 to 3000 word Vignettes or ‘Excerpts’.
Send us the WIPs that you keep rewriting because it’s ‘unreadable’, the first two chapters of that dusty old novel in your drive that you keep intending to come back to ‘whenever your life settles down again’, or a snippet set in that one world you came up with that you never really did anything with because the scope of what you’d need to research just keeps on expanding.
But dear God, just give us something, anything that can make us want to keep turning the page, all the while feeling a mild sense of dread about how little is left to resolve all of this in, and then leave us all frustrated when it doesn’t, or find that it all just leads naturally into the next in a long line of adventures.
Essentially, we at World of Dogs want you to pretend that you’re writing for a Penny Dreadful or modern Light Novel, whether you choose to submit any further chapters/stories in the same world to our zine, publish it directly into your own sites, or not to write any more at all is fine by us, just as long as your initial work at least pretends that it’ll have a continuation it can fit in here just fine.